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The Inspired American Summer

  • Summer2012_typepad_smallsquare
    Summer 2012 — “The Inspired American Summer” — star three new Limited Edition flavors (Juniper & Lemon Curd, Wheatgrass, Pear & Vinho Verde Sorbet, and Plum Sake Sorbet), the recently released Limited Edition flavor White House Cherry, new frozen yogurts (Grapefruit), and a cast of Perennial favorites (Backyard Mint, Roasted Strawberry Buttermilk, Lemon & Blueberries, and more)!

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September 04, 2012


Jake Hulbert

I'm sorry I no longer live in NYC as that bar nuts ice cream looks reee-diculous. Thanks for making my mouth water. Now I have to scrounge around here and see what frozen concoction I may have at hand.

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